Camera shots

 A camera shot refers to the amount of space the audience see's in a particular frame.

~ there are 9 types of camera angels;

Extreme long shot: covers a wide area, frames the subject from a distance & focuses on the surroundings. It is usually meant to establish the location & settings 

Long shot: a shot that sets the scene & character's place within it. The full subject is shown head to toe.

Medium long shot: a shot that frames a character around the knees and up, long enough to show the setting of a scene & close enough to show a character's facial cues .

Medium shot: shows the subject from waist up or head to torso, the subject & surroundings are given equal space. Used to access the emotions of the subject. 

Medium close up: A shot that frames the subject from just above the head to just below the chest, used to capture the subjects facial expressions & body language.

Close up: a shot that tightly frames the person or object, from head to shoulder blades -> headroom. 

Big close up: Shows the details of the foreground subject, fills the entirety of the screen.

Extreme close up: more intense shot, fills up the screen with particular detials. E.g; eyes, lips, props or accessories.

Over the shoulder shot (OTS): when the camera is placed just above the back of the shoulder or head of a subject, used for presenting a conversation.


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